Nursing Student Receives AAI Full Scholarship to Attend Liberia’s Tubman University

Liberian Nursing Scholar imageAAI is thrilled to announce its scholarship recipient of  Tubman University’s Nursing Program in Liberia. The scholarship funds were raised in late 2014 from the #GivingTuesday campaign and the end-of-year annual appeal.

Michel Farkay, a nursing student at William V.S. Tubman University’s School of Nursing in Liberia, was selected as the 2015 AAI scholarship recipient. Farkay is the first in his immediate family to attend university.

Farkay was inspired to enter the field of nursing after traveling to a rural area in Liberia with his father in 1990, and discovering a sick boy, who was crying out for help with his grandmother, on the roadside. Farkay and his father rushed the child to a clinic, where he was cared by nurses.

“Upon arriving at the clinic in Karweeken [a town in rural Liberia], the nurses took the little boy in and started taking good care of him, said Farkay. “The manner in which the nurse were taking care of him encouraged me to want to be like them.”

The scholarship funds will pay for full tuition and fees, plus room and board for a four-year nursing degree at Tubman University, which is located in the Harper, Maryland County in Liberia. The university is the only institution of higher learning in Southeastern Liberia.

The 2014 #GivingTuesday campaign effort was aimed at helping to fill the urgent shortage of skilled health professionals in Liberia. This year, AAI will continue to partner with institutional partner Tubman University in Liberia to help fund additional nursing scholarships through #GivingTuesday to rebuild a strong and effective health workforce in Liberia.

Watch his heartfelt “thank you” video.


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