TRECC sponsors State of Education in Africa Conference

TRECC is sponsoring the State of Education in Africa Conference 2018 taking place in Abidjan on 9-10 October. This platform promotes innovation and solution-driven conversations to increase the relevance of the African education landscape.

Hosted by the Africa-America Institute (AAI), the State of Education in Africa Conference is an annual event that brings together educators and innovators from Africa and the U.S. to discuss bold approaches to improving the quality of education at all levels and to bolstering Africa global competitiveness and economic growth. Presenters share their bold visions and transformative ideas for handling the challenges presented by the rapidly changing political, cultural and educational landscape on the continent, to promote input and open discussion and recommendations to build globally competitive higher education systems for Africa.

TRECC is proud to support this forum, which serves as a catalyst for partnerships and innovations and also challenges stakeholders to join a conversation on the transformation of the education system.

TRECC’s Country Director, Sabina Vigani, addressed attendees at a reception on 8 October. She highlighted TRECC’s work on research activities and explained how it enables systemic change and contributes to improving the quality of higher education. “We support young Ivorian scientists by promoting research activities. By the end of this year, around 30 Master’s degree and PhD-level students will be involved in projects led by renowned international researchers. These students will benefit from quality mentoring and capacity building,” said Sabina Vigani. “We support research not only to have a solid evidence base on which to base policy: our ambition is to strengthen the capacity of local scientists so that they integrate the body of researchers who will do significant work in the continent. Their role will be essential in contributing to development”

Sabina Vigani, Country Director at TRECC, discusses with conference guests.

On 9 October, William Egbe, member of the Board of Trustees of the Jacobs Foundation, will be speaking in a panel called “Open Access: Tipping the Education Scale through Demand-Driven Development” on behalf of TRECC’s funding partners.

TRECC’s new video, “We need a new education system”, was presented at the conference.

William Egbe, member of the Board of Trustees of the Jacobs Foundation, Lise Birikundavyi, Deputy Country Director and Impact Finance Investment Manager at TRECC, and Sosthène Guei, Early Childhood Development Research Associate at TRECC were present at the State of Education in Africa Conference 2018.

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